Our Team
Executive Management Team
Dave Richmond, Chief Executive
Dave has spent over 40 years working in local government, including Director of Housing in two Local Authorities with large housing portfolios. As Chief Executive Dave is a non-voting member of the St Leger Board.
Chris Margrave, Director of Property Services
Chris joined St Leger Homes in January 2021. He is an experienced property services professional with over 30 years’ expertise. Chris’s previous positions include Director of Investment and Director of Assets at Wakefield and District Housing. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB) and a property health and safety professional with a passion for property compliance.
Mark McEgan - Director of Housing and Customer Services
Mark joined St Leger homes in autumn 2021. He has worked in social housing management for over 25 years and has a track record of transforming housing services. Before joining St Leger, Mark worked at Hull City Council where he built an effective partnership with CIH, professionalising and improving housing services and helping Hull be named the Strategic Local Authority of the Year at the CIHUK Housing Awards.
Julie Crook, Director of Corporate Services
Julie joined St. Leger Homes in 2010 from Nottingham City Homes. Julie has also worked at Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, Hounslow Homes, Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police and is an excellent finance director with a real understanding of the drivers of business success.
Board Members
David Wilkinson, Chairman
Before becoming chair of the board, Dave gained over 20 years’ experience of senior management within the Local Authority sector, working for Doncaster Council. He is an unstinting advocate for the borough. He has over 30 years’ experience as a school governor and previously chaired the governing bodies of a large primary school and small junior school in his hometown of Mexborough. He is committed to working with fellow Directors and SLHD management to ensure the company provides the best possible service to its tenants and the people of Doncaster and believes that St Leger has a highly effective, supportive and professional board.
Milcah Walusimbi, Tenant Board Member
Milcah is a tenant who lives in Cantley, a mother of two who works for Doncaster Council’s Children’s Service. Milcah moved from London to live in Doncaster 22 years ago. She has been a school governor at a primary school in Mexborough. She loves reading, is a people person and an advocate for those that are vulnerable.
Vicky Purnell, Tenant Board Member
Vicky has lived in Doncaster for the past 45 years and has two grown up children. Vicky has worked within the education sector and most recently as a Senior Support Worker within the NHS, working with adults with Learning disabilities and mental health difficulties. At present Vicky works in the community but has also worked on wards and daycare within the hospital grounds. She is always willing to speak up for people in need of help, as the client group is supports is unable to do this for themselves.
Barry Keable, Tenant Board Member
Barry is also a tenant board member. He has many years experience at a senior level in a number of sectors and has worked both in the UK and abroad. He has a keen eye for detail and an interest in the effective working of organisations.
Stuart Booth, Independent Board Member
Stuart has over 30 years’ experience working in a variety of finance roles. He has substantial experience operating in the public sector. He now works as a consultant supporting public bodies with expert financial advice. He is currently undertaking a long term assignment with a large local authority in the south of England. Before undertaking this role Stuart held senior positions at South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and Rotherham MBC.
Trevor Mason, Independent Board Member and Vice Chair
Trevor has over 25 years’ experience at director level across public service and the private training and education sector. Whilst Trevor is now retired. he has worked as a Chief Executive, latterly with a large regional based charity and social enterprise focusing on the physical and skills development and regeneration of deprived areas. Trevor brings considerable experience of working at a strategic level in financial management and business planning & delivery and has been on our Board for the last six years.
Susan Jones, Independent Board Member
Susan is currently Chief People Officer at Maria Mallaband Care Group, operating 80 care homes (c5500 employees) around the UK. She has over 14 years’ experience operating at both Executive and Board Level in a number of successful retail, financial and professional services organisations. Susan has experience as a board member for over 10 years, previously holding the position of Chair of Trustees at Thornton Grammar School for several years, and also as a Trustee for a regional Charitable Trust.
Councillor Joe Blackham, Councillor Board Member
Joe was elected in 2004 and is currently the ward member for Thorne and Moorends and is also the Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Enforcement. Joe is a passionate advocate for the City and his area and has extensive experience in the democratic leadership of local government.
Councillor Allan Jones, Councillor Board Member
Allan was elected to Finningley ward in 2002. He is presently a member of City of Doncaster Council Overview and Management Committee, he has recently been co-opted onto Finningley Parish Council. He has a wide range of knowledge and involvement in community issues and is committed to delievring effective efficient services which meet customer’s needs.
Councillor Phil Cole, Councillor Board Member
Phil has been a councillor since 2012 and serves Edlington and Warmsworth ward. Phil is also the City of Doncaster Council Cabinet Member for Finance, Traded Services and Planning. He has a wide range of knowledge and involvement in community issues both within his Ward and across the Borough. He was the senior political advisor to Rt Hon Caroline Flint for 22 years.