How we work with tenants
We have a dedicated Customer Involvement team to help nurture relationships with tenants who want to be involved and to ensure our positive culture of involving tenants runs through all aspect of how we develop and deliver services throughout the organisation.
Ways to be involved
A variety of involvement opportunities form part of our Tenant Voice Model and have evolved specifically around what our tenants have told us. Some of our tenants are able to give a significant and regular time commitment, while others want to be able to dip in and out on issues that affect them, when they have the time.
In addition to the range of involvement opportunities, we also listen to their voice through other ways such as surveys we carry out, the complaints and compliments we receive, the satisfaction data we collect and through our interactions on social media.
We continue to shape our services listening and acting on tenants feedback, a great example of this is our repairs modernisation programme. We involved tenants from the start to ensure the redesigned service met their requirements and expectations.
We are also committed to ensuring that those tenants who become or are already involved gain wider benefits, some of which can sometimes be overlooked. These can include increasing knowledge and learning new skills, networking with other tenants and organisations, building friendships and feeling more closely connected to your communities. Above all, we want those involved to enjoy their roles, see the value of their contribution and feel their views are respected.